The Watchlist Reports tool can be used to generate reports at any time which detail the holdings of chemicals on site which appear on pre-defined lists. Site administrators can also elect to receive email alerts when regulated chemicals are added to an inventory.
When a watchlist report is generated, ChemInventory will analyze the containers in all inventories within your site to check if the substance it holds appears on the selected list. If a match is found, the container will be included on the report.
Reports created by the tool include all information saved against applicable container records, including values assigned to custom fields defined at the site level. Custom fields defined at the inventory level will not be included. If you would like to view inventory information for a specific container, we recommend entering the container barcode number on the Search page .
Generated reports will also include information about the size of the container (e.g. 500 mL). While ChemInventory currently does not calculate total masses or volumes across groups of containers, the SUM function in Excel may be useful for threshold reporting.
ChemInventory watchlists
The staff at ChemInventory maintain four watchlists for all customers, which correspond to the Chemical Weapons Convention schedules 2 and 3, EU REACH candidate list and the US Department of Homeland Security Appendix A. If the compounds regulated by these lists change over time, we will modify the watchlists in ChemInventory accordingly.
Custom watchlists
It is possible to create any number of your own custom watchlists. This can be useful if you are subject to additional regulations that are not covered by the ChemInventory lists. Any custom watchlists you define will be made available to all inventories within your site license automatically.

When creating or editing a custom watchlist, you will be prompted to enter Search Terms. These will be used by ChemInventory when generating reports to find applicable containers on site. One search term should be entered per line in the search terms field. We recommend using CAS numbers to identify substances, but if this is not possible then substance names can be used (including wildcard characters to find partial matches). ChemInventory will include synonyms when checking by substance name.
Email alerts
Under site licenses, the watchlists reports tool can be configured to send email alerts to nominated users when regulated chemicals are added to an inventory on site or marked as ordered through ChemInventory's Order Requests functionality. Email alerts can be sent to any user with site administrator privileges.

To enable or disable email alerts for a watchlist, use the dropdown menu next to the View Report button. When email alerts have been enabled for a particular watchlist, a tick will be displayed alongside the applicable entry under the Email Alerts heading.
The email message will name the user who has added or marked as ordered a regulated substance to their inventory, and container information will also be listed including its size, designated location and barcode number (if assigned). The container's barcode number can be used on the Search page to find out more information about the container.